Careers at Tytherington
All students are entitled to access careers guidance enabling them to assess their capabilities and aptitudes, research and plan their career paths to maximise their potential to achieve their careers goals.
At Tytherington School, we believe that everyone can achieve and that all of our pupils should be ambitious their future lives. We will provide all pupils with support in deciding upon their future career pathway. Mrs Brennan, Assistant Headteacher, leads careers education in the school:
The statutory guidance from the DfE regarding career related learning has the long term vision for a world class careers provision and states that schools should be using the Gatsby Benchmarks as a framework to develop and improve practice. We are committed to meeting these benchmarks.
- A stable career programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experience of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
We measure the schools progress on this via the Compass+ tool, as this allows for regular monitoring and implementation of good practice.
High-quality careers guidance is important for our pupils’ futures, and our provision aims to:
- Help pupils prepare for the workplace, by building self-development and career management
skills - Provide experience and a clear understanding of the working world
- Develop pupils’ awareness of the variety of education, training and careers opportunities available to them
- Help pupils to understand routes to careers that they’re interested in, and to make informed choices about their next step in education or training
- Promote a culture of high aspirations and equality of opportunity
Our Careers Policy documents can be found either on our policies page or statutory information page under the policies section.
The documents to look out for are,
- CEIAG Policy
- CEIAG Provider Access Statement.